"Livet" (in Norwegian: "life") is international musical-theatrical project realised in 2023.
Purpose of the project is meeting of cultures and musical traditions over common message that's worry about our planet. "Livet" is modern oratorio for Earth, composed and arranged by Piotr Klimek. It involves four soloists, 13-piece choir and 5-piece Polish-Norwegian jazz band. It's music inspired by traditional songs from Bulgaria, Ukraine, Poland, Norway and Saami people bringing in their traditional technique of singing - jojk. Selected musical plotlines from European traditions talk about unbreakable bond between humans and nature and are tied to our care about the planet and fear about the survival of human species. We want to remind the listeners and ourselves that the time to take care and respect life on our planet is fleeting.
Participation in the project was declared by such prestigious musicians as: Tord Gustavsen, Eivind Aarset, Tore Brunborg from Norway and Hubert Zemler and Piotr Rodowicz from Poland. Solo parts are going to be sung by Elina Toneva (Bulgaria), Zoriana Dybovska (Ukraine), Marja Mortensson (Norway) and Joanna Chmielecka (Poland). Bilingual narrative is going to be led by excellent actress Juni Dahr (Norway) and director of CHOREA Theatre, Tomasz Rodowicz (Poland).
Pre-premiere of the event took place in Łódź, on 27 August 2023 in concert hall of Music Academy in Łódź. Musical material was registered in recording studio in September 2023. On 21 October 2023 the concert was performed for the second time in St. James Church in Oslo.